
How do you Animate a Bar Chart?

How do you animate a bar chart?

To display a variable in a dataset over time can be useful in portraying your narrative of the data. More so when you add animation in your visualization. And the recent trend in animated dataviz are race bar charts. So how do you animate a bar chart?

As I had written earlier, there are a number of tools available in the market for creating a data visualization. So it can be a little confusing as to which tool to use to create an animated bar chart/bar chart race.

Can this be created in Tableau? If you are talking about Tableau Public, then NO, because even though Tableau has a number of features to create visualizations, creating an animated bar chart requires page shelf which is not available on the web versions of Tableau dashboards.

However, it can easily be created in Flourish! This is a video of an animated bar chart created in Flourish:

Flourish is an online data visualization too. It is pretty easy to use, let's you create a visualization or a story with zero coding, and has a free option which lets you save your visualization/story as Public. The free version also lets you embed your visualization/story like the one below:

But wait, racing bar charts are not the only type of chart you can create with Flourish. You can check out the Flourish gallery for inspirations, and here are some features you can utilize by creating your visualization/story on Flourish.

So what are you waiting for? Sign-up and unleash your creative side using Flourish! But don't forget to Like the YouTube video, subscribe to our YouTube channel, and Like & Share this post on Facebook!

[P.S. If you were talking about Tableau Desktop, then you can checkout this article on how to build an animated Bar Chart Race in Tableau Software.]